1st Variation 3

DFA Launches Microsite on the 2016 Arbitral Award

MANILA 12 July 2023 – To mark the 7th anniversary of the Arbitral Award on the South China Sea, the Department of Foreign Affairs launches a microsite on the Award, to provide a central resource for official information and positions on the Award and its contributions to the rule of law and peaceful settlement of disputes through UNCLOS and international law.

The Philippines regards the Award in the South China Sea Arbitration of 12 July 2016 as a significant contribution to international law and the interpretation and application of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). The Award conclusively settled the issue of historic rights and maritime entitlements in the South China Sea. Claims to historic rights, or other sovereign rights or jurisdiction beyond the geographic and substantive limits of UNCLOS-provided maritime entitlements are without legal effect.

To provide accurate information on the 2016 Arbitral Award, the microsite provides links to resources including the material submitted to the Tribunal and made available by the Permanent Court of Arbitration, the Statements of the Department of Foreign Affairs on the South China Sea Arbitration - starting with the statement made by the late Secretary of Foreign Affairs, H.E. Mr. Albert del Rosario on 22 January 2013, announcing the decision to pursue “UNCLOS Arbitral Proceedings against China to achieve a peaceful and durable solution to the dispute in the West Philippine Sea”; the legal and geographic scope of the West Philippine Sea; answers to Frequently Asked Questions; as well as links to Other Resources relevant to the subject.

According to MOAO-DFA Assistant Secretary Maria Angela Ponce, “the microsite gathers material, many of which is already available through various channels, and organizes them in a useful format, which we hope will be useful for the public in general. We understand that the issue is complex and may be confusing, so this is an attempt to clear some of the fog. It is a work-in-progress site, but I feel it is an important start to gaining a better understanding of the complex issues faced by the Philippines in the South China Sea and the West Philippine Sea.”

The Department received support from many government agencies in preparing the website and securing the material presented, in particular the Office of the Press Secretary, NAMRIA-DENR, the Philippine Coast Guard and AFP-WESCOM. The website is in partial fulfillment of the DFA’s commitment to promote better understanding of the 2016 Arbitral Award as a Philippine contribution to the peaceful settlement of disputes through international law. END.




The Philippine Consulate General in Houston (Houston PCG) wishes to urgently inform the public that  starting 05 December 2022, the Bureau of Immigration (BI) will discontinue using the paper Arrival Card, and all travelers will be required to provide their arrival information and health declaration through the eTravel portal.

With the launch of the new platform, the One Health Pass is no longer required, and its related system would no longer be accessible.

The eTravel may be accessed through the following link:

All incoming travelers to the Philippines, regardless of nationality and visa privilege, are required to visit the said website and use its registration system prior to traveling to the Philippines.

The eTravel website includes useful information for travelers to the Philippines, including the latest updated entry guidelines for all international travelers bound to the Philippines ( ), and contact details of support hotlines for travelers for their further inquiries, and for the latest updates.


The Philippine Consulate General in Houston (Houston PCG) will be accepting applications for overseas voter registration for the 2025 Philippine National Elections until 30 September 2024.

Registration is open from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 3:00 pm (except holidays). Appointment is not required.


All citizens of the Philippines abroad, who are not otherwise disqualified by law, and at least eighteen (18) years of age on 12 May 2025 may register to vote overseas for Senators and Party-List Representatives during the overseas voting period for the 2025 Philippine National Elections which will start on 13 April 2025 until 12 May 2025.


To register for overseas voting, applicants must personally submit all of the following requirements:

  • One (1) printed copy of the accomplished Overseas Voter Registration Form (OVF1);
  • Original and one (1) photocopy of current Philippine Passport (whether unexpired or expired); and
  • Original and one (1) photocopy of proof of current Filipino citizenship (i.e. green card, visa, notice of action, work permit, or dual IC).

In the absence of a valid Philippine passport, any of the following can be submitted:

  • Approved Report of Birth
  • In case of applicants who reacquired their Filipino Citizenship pursuant to Republic Act No. 9225, the original or certified true copy of the Order of Approval of their application to retain or reacquire their Filipino citizenship issued by Post or their Identification Certificates issued by the Posts or the Bureau of Immigration; or
  • In case of seafarers, photocopy of Seafarer’s Book.

For further inquiry on this matter or for any concerns, Houston PCG may be reached through the following email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..



Statement of Foreign Affairs Secretary Enrique A. Manalo on the 6th Anniversary of the Award on the South China Sea Arbitration

12 July 2022

Today we commemorate the 6th anniversary of the Award on the South China Sea Arbitration. More than a historic milestone whose value lies in its commemorative significance, we recall 12 July 2016 as the day that affirmed to the community of nations that the rule of law prevails, and that stability, peace and progress can only be attained when founded on a rules-based legal order on the oceans, as it should be everywhere else. 

The Award and the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) are the twin anchors of the Philippines’ policy and actions on the West Philippine Sea. 

The year 2022 is also the 40th anniversary of the adoption of UNCLOS. UNCLOS sets out the legal framework within which all activities in the oceans and seas must be carried out. There is no recourse to general international law on matters comprehensively covered by the UNCLOS. Compliance with UNCLOS, which represents a delicate balance of the rights and obligations of all States Parties, in its entirety is key to ensuring global and regional peace and the fair and sustainable use of the oceans. 

The Award, an affirmation of UNCLOS’ dispute resolution mechanisms, not only sets reason and right in the South China Sea, but is an inspiration for how matters should be considered – through reason and right – by states facing similarly challenging circumstances. 

It authoritatively ruled that the claim of historic rights to resources within the sea areas falling within the ‘nine-dash line’ had no basis in law and is without legal effect. 

It upheld the Philippines’ sovereign rights and jurisdiction in its exclusive economic zone. 

It affirmed that certain actions within the Philippines’ EEZ violated the Philippines’ sovereign rights and were thus unlawful; that large-scale reclamation and construction of artificial islands caused severe environmental harm in violation of international conventions; that the large-scale harvesting of endangered marine species damaged the marine ecosystem; and that actions taken since the commencement of the arbitration had aggravated the disputes. 

These findings are no longer within the reach of denial and rebuttal, and are conclusive as they are indisputable. The Award is final. We firmly reject attempts to undermine it; nay, even erase it from law, history and our collective memories. At the same time, we welcome the support of a growing list of countries for the Award. 

The Award benefits the world across the board. We do not see it as directed at any other country, near or far. We see it as it should be seen: as favoring all which are similarly situated by clarifying definitively a legal situation beyond the reach of arms to change. It puts this aspect of international law beyond the limit of prescription. 

And so we say once again: the present that we need and the future that we want is a peaceful South China Sea. The Philippines is committed to this for as long as it exists. END