Download PDF copy of Announcement
9 March 2023
Greetings from the Philippine Consulate General in Houston (Houston PCG)!
Houston PCG invites all Filipino Community Organizations within its jurisdiction namely, the states of Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas, to register their organizations through its new e-form, which can be accessed by clicking on the link below:
Filipino Community Organizations which have previously registered with Houston PCG are also requested to update their organization’s registration through the above-mentioned e-form.
The registry will be used to strengthen the link between Houston PCG and the Filipino community with a view to promoting Philippine interests in various fields and industries. The registry may also help Filipinos who reside or plan to reside in areas under Houston PCG’s jurisdiction to learn more about the Filipino organizations that may be of interest to them.
Houston PCG’s Cultural and Public Diplomacy Section will compile and ensure confidentiality of all information submitted, unless consent is given to share the organization’s information, either in full or in part, to the public. Please note that the submission of this form assures inclusion in a consolidated registry maintained by Houston PCG. It does not guarantee Houston PCG’s endorsement of your organization’s respective programs, events, and activities (particularly fund-raising activities).
In addition to the information provided in the above-mentioned form, you may also provide the following information to Houston PCG by sending in a .pdf document to the Cultural and Public Diplomacy Section’s official email address, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. :
- List of Officers
- Formal Logo and Seal (if any)
- Plans and programs for the calendar year, and/or
- Annual report of activities (if any).
All optional submissions shall only be for Houston PCG’s information and records.
For further inquiry on this matter or for any concerns, Houston PCG may be reached through the following email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Thank you and best regards.
Very truly yours,
Consul General