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The Philippine Consulate General in Houston (Houston PCG) wishes to inform all Filipino overseas voters registered to vote in Houston PCG that some of the ballot packets that it had sent out were undelivered or “returned to sender.”

The list of overseas voters whose ballots were returned are available by clicking HERE.

This list will be updated regularly.

Houston PCG advises all voters whose names are found on the list to claim their ballots in either of the following manner:

  1. Personally claim the ballots at the Philippine Consulate General in Houston in 9990 Richmond Avenue Suite 100N Houston TX 77042 during office hours; or
  2. Through mail by informing Houston PCG immediately of their current mailing address by e-mailing the following to :
    1. Data page of valid Philippine Passport (showing signature);
    2. Proof of current address (driver’s license with updated address or utility bill); and
    3. Duly accomplished OFV-1 Form, available by clicking HERE

For further inquiries and concerns involving the conduct of the 2022 National Elections in Houston PCG, please send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..