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Consul General Gunther Sales with the Houston PCG Team, together with the PACCTX Foundation and PACCTX-DFW volunteers during the 2-day Consular Outreach Mission in Dallas-Fort Worth.


Houston, 01 October 2024 – The Philippine Consulate General in Houston successfully conducted a consular outreach mission in the Dallas-Fort Worth metropolitan area over the weekend of 28-29 September 2024. The mission aimed to provide essential Philippine government services to the large number of Filipinos residing in the region, as part of the Consulate’s continuing efforts to support Filipino and Filipino-American communities within its jurisdiction.

In partnership with the Philippine American Chamber of Commerce of Texas (PACCTX) Foundation, Inc., and PACCTX–Dallas-Fort Worth, the outreach team was composed of team leader Consul Gilbert Segarra, Mr. Edgardo Esteban, Ms. Melinda Hernais, Ms. Delza Lourdes Bayabao, Ms. Mary Jane Mariano, Ms. Julie Yamon, and Mr. Ariel Duqueza. A total of 368 consular services were performed by the team covering passport, notarial, civil registry, and dual citizenship applications. 88 overseas voters registration applications were also processed.

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Consul General Sales administered the Oath of Allegiance to applicants for dual citizenship


Consul General Gunther Emil Sales joined the outreach team on the second day of the mission. During his visit, he administered the Oath of Allegiance to applicants for dual citizenship and met with leaders of various Filipino-American organizations in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. A welcome reception was hosted by PACCTX Foundation and PACCTX-DFW for Consul General Sales and Houston PCG personnel. He expressed his appreciation to the volunteers who dedicated their weekend to assist their fellow Filipinos, commending their service and commitment to the community.

Houston PCG’s future consular outreach missions will be announced at least one month before the scheduled dates. Updates will be available on the Consulate's official website,, and its official Facebook page, – END


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