The Philippine Consulate General receives and processes applications for ePassports, which in turn is sent to the Department of Foreign Affairs in Manila for printing and issuance. Please allow 6 to 8 weeks for the entire process up to the release of passport to applicant.
1. PERSONAL APPEARANCE WITH APPOINTMENT IS REQUIRED for all applicants. Click HERE to set an appointment.
2. Passport photos will be taken at the Consulate. There is no need to bring a passport photo.
3. Applicants are required to wear appropriate clothing for passport photo capture. Plunging necklines, sleeveless clothing, spaghetti strapped tops, see-through tops, sando, tube tops, halters and the like are prohibited. Eyeglasses, colored contact lenses, hair accessories, necklace, earrings, facial piercings should be removed prior to photo capture.
4. All documents to be presented for a passport application should be ORIGINAL with one (1) photocopy of each document to be attached to the application.
5. The Philippine Consulate General advises all Philippine passport holders to renew their passports at least 9 months before expiration. Please note that travelers with passports that will expire in less than 6 months may encounter problems boarding aircrafts and/or entering a country.
6. Releasing of passports is done by mail only. For this reason, all applicants are required to bring a self-addressed, self-stamped envelope. It is highly recommended that in applications by groups, each applicant should have one (1) envelope.
7. Payment of Fees
Fees are non-refundable and payable in CASH ONLY.
No e-receipts are required as payment will be done on-site by cash only.
I. RENEWAL OF e-PASSPORTS (maroon passports with chips and passport no. starting with EA, EB or EC)
1. Obtain a passport appointment from Upon receipt of confirmation e-mail from This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. print all the attached documents in the e-mail (i.e. printed application form).
No e-receipts are required as payment will be done on-site by cash only.
2. Original Current Passport and one (1) photocopy of data page
3. One (1) photocopy of green card or US visa or any proof that applicant has not applied for foreign citizenship
4. For Dual Citizen applicants, photocopy of Dual Identification Certificate
5. Aself-addressed stamped envelope, with prepaid postage and tracking number such as the USPS Priority Mail/Express Mail. This will enable you to track your passport or document when mailed. Write legibly your name and mailing address on Recipient/”To” spaces and leave the space for Sender/”From” blank.
1. Obtain a passport appointment from Upon receipt of confirmation e-mail from This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. print all the attached documents in the e-mail (i.e. printed application form).
No e-receipts are required as payment will be done on-site by cash only.
2. Original Current Passport and one (1) photocopy of data page
3. One (1) photocopy of green card or US visa or any proof that applicant has not applied for foreign citizenship
4. Original and one (1) photocopy of Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA, formerly NSO)-issued Birth Certificate on Security Paper. PSA Birth Certificates or Marriage Certificates can be ordered online at and it will be delivered to you via mail.
5. If married and using the surname of husband, female applicants must also submit original and one (1) photocopy of PSA-issued Marriage Certificate or PSA-issued Report of Marriage. PSA Birth Certificates or Marriage Certificates can be ordered online at and it will be delivered to you via mail.
6. Original and one (1) photocopy of any of the following IDs: driver’s license, state ID, school or work ID, Philippine ID (SSS Card, senior citizen ID, old school ID, PWD ID, Voter’s ID)
7. A self-addressed stamped envelope, with prepaid postage and tracking number such as the USPS Priority Mail/Express Mail. This will enable you to track your passport or document when mailed. Write legibly your name and mailing address on the Recipient/”To” spaces and leave the space for Sender/”From” blank.
1. Obtain a passport appointment from Upon receipt of confirmation e-mail from This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. print all the attached documents in the e-mail (i.e. printed application form).
No e-receipts are required as payment will be done on-site by cash only.
2. If born in the Philippines, Birth Certificate (BC) in Security Paper (SECPA) issued by the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA, formerly National Statistics Office) or Certified True Copy (CTC) of BC issued by the Local Civil Registrar (LCR) and duly authenticated by PSA. Transcribed Birth Certificate from the LCR is required when entries in PSA Birth Certificate are blurred or unreadable. PSA Birth Certificates or Marriage Certificates, can be ordered online at and it will be delivered to you via mail.
3. If born abroad, original and one (1) photocopy of Report of Birth (ROB) issued less than a year by the Philippine Consulate where the birth took place. If ROB was issued for more than a year already, bring original and one (1) photocopy of PSA-issued Report of Birth. PSA Birth Certificates or Marriage Certificates can be ordered online at and it will be delivered to you via mail.
3. If DUAL CITIZEN, original and one (1) photocopy of the DUAL IDENTIFICATION CERTIFICATE, Oath of Allegiance and Order of Approval and the required original and one (1) photocopy of BIRTH CERTIFICATE issued by the Philippine Statistics Authority. PSA Birth Certificates or Marriage Certificates can be ordered online at and it will be delivered to you via mail.
Filipinos who have re-acquired their Philippine citizenship through R.A. 9225, otherwise known as the Citizenship Retention and Re-acquisition Act of 2003, are considered as first-time passport applicants.
4. If married and using the surname of husband, present original and one (1) photocopy Marriage Certificate (MC) in Security Paper (SECPA) issued by the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) or Certified True Copy (CTC) of MC issued by the Local Civil Registrar (LCR) and duly authenticated by PSA. Transcribed Marriage Certificate from the LCR is required when entries in PSA Marriage Certificate are blurred or unreadable. If married abroad, bring a Report of Marriage (ROM) authenticated by PSA. PSA Birth Certificates or Marriage Certificates can be ordered online at and it will be delivered to you via mail.
5. Original and one (1) photocopy of any valid identification card (ID) where the full name and date of birth are clearly indicated, such as state ID, driver’s license, school ID. One (1) photocopy of green card or US visa or any proof that applicant has not applied for foreign citizenship
6. Additional documentation may be required based on the documents presented and special circumstances of the applicant (e.g. minor unaccompanied by parents). Please see additional information below.
7. A self-addressed stamped envelope, with prepaid postage and tracking number such as the USPS Priority Mail/Express Mail. This will enable you to track your passport or document when mailed. Write legibly your name and mailing address on the Recipient/”To” spaces and leave the space for Sender/”From” blank.
1. Obtain a passport appointment from Upon receipt of confirmation e-mail from This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. print all the attached documents in the e-mail (i.e. printed application form).
No e-receipts are required as payment will be done on-site by cash only.
2. Duly notarized AFFIDAVIT OF LOSS providing details of the passport and circumstances leading to its loss.
3. In case of lost valid passport, there will be a 15-DAY verification period, on top of the 8- to 12-week processing period, before processing of the application.
4. Submit all the requirements stated in the above-listed NEW PASSPORT APPLICATION
5. Photocopy of passport that was lost, if available
6. Police report
Minor applicants (below 18 years old) applying/renewing a passport should be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.
1. Obtain a passport appointment from Upon receipt of confirmation e-mail from This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. print all the attached documents in the e-mail (i.e. printed application form).
No e-receipts are required as payment will be done on-site by cash only.
2. Personal Appearance of minor applicant accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.
3. Original and one (1) photocopy of PSA Birth Certificate - Order it online at
4. Passport or Valid Government-issued of either of the parents or legal guardian
5. School ID of minor (if available)
6. A self-addressed stamped envelope, with prepaid postage and tracking number such as the USPS Priority Mail/Express Mail. This will enable you to track your passport or document when mailed. Write legibly your name and mailing address on the Recipient/”To” spaces and leave the space for Sender/”From” blank.
In addition to the core requirements, the following SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS will be further required in the following cases
1. In case minor applicant has no PSA Birth Certificate or Report of Birth yet, Certified True Copy of Local Civil Registrar (LCR) Birth Certificate authenticated by PSA if born in the Philippines or Original copy of Report of Birth or first indorsement from Consular Records Division if born abroad
2. In case applicant is not accompanied by the parent/s during the application process, applicant must submit a Special Power of Attorney (SPA) executed by the parent/s designating the minor’s companion to assist in the application process. The SPA must be authenticated by the Philippine Embassy/Consulate, if executed abroad. Passport or Valid Government-issued ID of authorized adult companion.
3. Marriage certificate is required if only one (1) parent is accompanying the child. If parents are unmarried, a Special Power of Attorney (SPA) with parental consent executed by the mother will be required if she is not accompanying the child.
4. In case applicant is not traveling with parent/s, applicant must submit a clearance from the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) and Affidavit of Support and Consent executed by the parent/s. The Affidavit of Support and Consent must be Consularized by the Philippine Embassy/Consulate, if executed abroad. Passport or Valid Government-issued ID of authorized adult companion
5. If the applicant is an Illegitimate child and mother is deceased / absent and father is unknown, applicant must submit a DSWD Clearance, Affidavit of Guardianship, and valid passport or valid government-issued ID of adult guardian.
6. If the minor applicant has undergone the process of domestic adoption, applicant must submit a Court Decree of Adoption and valid passport or valid government-issued ID of adoptive parent/s.
7. If the minor applicant is undergoing or has undergone the process of foreign adoption/Inter Country Adoption Board (ICAB) adoption process, applicant must submit the following: PSA Birth Certificate/PSA Certificate of Foundling; Endorsement from ICAB; Certificate of Child Available for Adoption/Deed of Voluntary Commitment; Placement Authority issued by ICAB; Certificate for Issuance of Passport issued by ICAB; Clearance for Inter-Country Adoption; Child Study Report; DSWD clearance.
8. If the applicant is a foundling and NOT for adoption, applicant must submit the following: PSA Certificate of Foundling; Passport or Valid Government-issued ID of adult guardian; DSWD clearance; Affidavit of Guardianship.
9. Original Affidavit of Consent with Special Power of Attorney, executed by the parent/s and notarized by a Notary Public if the minor is not accompanied by the parent, or accompanied by the father but parents are not married. Copy of the parent/s passport and/or valid identification (with photo and signature).
10. Court Order awarding guardianship. or parental authority, if parents are divorced/annulled.
11. Documents showing legal guardianship, if accompanied by a legal guardian.
12. Additional documentation may be required based on the documents presented and special circumstances of the applicant.
• In order to get a PSA birth certificate, please apply for a Delayed Registration of Birth at the local civil registry office at the place of birth of the applicant.
• Under Philippine laws, a person’s legal name may be amended through the following:
- Change of name due to marriage
- Change of surname of a legitimated child by virtue of a subsequent marriage of parents
- Change of name due to adoption
- Change of name due to death of spouse or annulment of marriage
- Change of name due to divorce (valid only for those Filipinos who did not act as Plaintiff in the divorce proceedings, i.e. the Filipino spouse did not initiate the divorce proceedings; not valid for couples who were both Filipinos at the time of the marriage)
- Change of name as duly ordered by Philippine courts or the Civil Registrar General
1. REQUIREMENTS for change of name due to marriage:
• Original and one (1) copy of Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA, formerly National Statistics Office) marriage certificate, if marriage was solemnized in the Philippines; or
PSA-issued Report of Marriage (ROM), if marriage was solemnized abroad. Applicants may apply for PSA Marriage Certificate/ROM on-line at
2. REQUIREMENT for change of name due to legitimation upon subsequent marriage of parents, or as ordered by Philippine courts or by the Civil Registrar General:
• Original and one (1) copy of Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) authenticated Birth Certificate with annotation reflecting the change of name due to legitimation. Applicant may apply for PSA Birth Certificate on-line at
3. REQUIREMENT for change of name due to adoption
• Original and one (1) copy of Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) Birth Certificate before the adoption
• Original and one (1) copy of PSA authenticated birth certificate after adoption. Applicant may apply for PSA Birth Certificate on-line at
• Original and one (1) copy of certified true copy of the Court Decision or Order on Adoption and Certificate of Finality
4. REQUIREMENTS for change of name due to death of husband or annulled marriages:
• Original and one (1) copy of PSA authenticated death certificate of husband, or authenticated court order of presumptive death, for widowed applicants
• Original and one (1) copy of PSA Marriage Contract, with annotation reflecting the annulment of marriage, for annulled marriages. Applicant may apply for PSA Marriage Certificate on-line at
5. REQUIREMENTS for change of name due to divorce:
• Original and one (1) copy of Divorce Decree
• Original and one (1) copy of Philippine Court recognition of foreign divorce decree
• Original and one (1) copy of PSA marriage certificate with annotation of the divorce decree
Republic Act (RA) 9048 authorizes the city or municipal civil registrar or the consul general to make the following changes in name, without the need of a judicial order:
• correction of clerical or typographical errors in any entry in civil registry documents, except corrections involving the change in sex, age, nationality and civil status of a person
• change of a person's first name in his/her civil registry document under certain grounds specified under the law through administrative process
SIX (6) TO EIGHT (8) WEEKS from the Date of Application
RELEASING OF PASSPORTS SHALL BE MY MAIL: All passport applicants are required to provide the Philippine Consulate General with a self-addressed stamped envelope, with prepaid postage and tracking number such as the USPS Priority Mail/Express Mail. This will enable you to track your passport or document when mailed. Write legibly your name and mailing address on the Recipient/”To” spaces and leave the space for Sender/”From” blank.
Note: The Consulate General assumes no responsibility for any delay or loss in the mail, or while the documents are in the custody of the courier service. The applicant should note the tracking numbers of all envelopes used and submitted.
The Consular Officer reserves the right to require additional proof or documents from an applicant, pursuant to the Philippine Passport Law and the Foreign Service Act.
Passport applicants must cancel their appointments obtained in the Department of Foreign Affairs passport appointment system website,, if they are unable to appear on the day of their appointments. This will free up appointment slots which can be booked by other people interested in availing of passport services in the Consulate General.
Below is the step-by-step procedure for cancelling the appointment:
- Access
- Click on ‘Manage Existing Appointment’
- Enter appointment code and email address
- Check Im not a robot and click view details.
- Click the 'Cancel Appointment' button
- "Appointment with Appointment Code <Appointment Code> was successfully CANCELLED…" message will display;
- Open your email to see the confirmation of cancellation
- To set a new appointment, go back to appointment and either choose Start Individual Appointment or Start Group Appointment
Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for queries regarding your application.
- All applications for 9(a) visas must be lodged online by visiting the website After lodging the application online, the non-immigrant application form generated from must be mailed together with the other requirements to: