Reporting of Marriage Contracted Outside the Philippines

(Between both Filipinos or a Filipino and a Foreign National)

General Information:

1. Check if marriage was solemnized in the following States under the consular jurisdiction of the Philippine Consulate General in Houston:

     Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas

2. Only marriages solemnized within its consular jurisdiction can be registered at the Philippine Consulate General in Houston. Marriages solemnized in other states must be registered at the Embassy/Consulate General with jurisdiction over the place of solemnization.

3. Application for Civil Registry Services may be submitted through the following means:

a. Applications may be sent via registered mail, labeled as follows:

             Consulate General of the Philippines

             Attn: Civil Registry Section

             9990 Richmond Avenue Suite 100 N

             Houston, Texas 77042, USA

b. Personal submission

Personal appearance at the Consulate General of both parties is required if the application is to be submitted in person as the Report of Marriage form must be signed before a consular officer.

4. All submissions must include a COVER LETTER indicating your request to report a marriage, your address, contact numbers, and email address .

5. Incomplete applications will be returned to the sender.

A. Requirements Checklist:

Present original documents or certified true copies of the Marriage Certificate, Birth Certificate, Death Certificate, Divorce Decree, etc. The original documents will be returned after processing the report of marriage. Kindly collate the following documents and arrange into sets of four (4) to the order of documents below:

1. Four (4) original duly accomplished Report of Marriage (ROM) forms. The following entries must be made:

· Entries must be printed/typewritten or handwritten in black ink. Please use the fillable PDF link to accomplish the form Report of Marriage (ROM) forms.

· Entries should be made in the exact format indicated in the ROM form (ex. Date: 18 May 2020, Place: Houston Texas, USA)

· The wife should use her maiden/single information, including maiden name (birth name/name before marriage) in filling out the ROM form.

· For the civil status of both husband and wife, indicate if Single, Annulled, Divorced, or Widow/Widower. Entries must be at the time of marriage of the spouses/subject.

· For the signature of the husband and wife:

a. If the marriage is reported in person it will be sworn to and signed by both husband and wife before the Consular Officer/Staff, or

b. If submitting the ROM by mail, item 20 in all four (4) duly-accomplished ROM forms must be notarized by a Notary Public. Item 21 and item 22 should be left blank.

2. One (1) original and four (4) photocopies of the Marriage Certificate/Contract issued by the Office of Vital Records or any other appropriate office of the State where the marriage took place. The following details must be indicated in the Certificate/Contract:

· Number of marriages contracted by the parties.

· If the number of contracted marriages is not shown in the Certificate/Contract, one (1) certified copy and four (4) photocopies of the marriage license showing he number of marriage/s must be additionally submitted.

· If there is a record of previous marriage of both parties, see additional requirements below.

3. One (1) original and four (4) photocopies of Birth Certificate of both husband and wife:

· For the Filipino National - PSA/NSO birth Certificate

· For the Foreign National - Birth Certificate issued by the country of birth.

4. One (1) original and four (4) photocopies of valid passport of both husband and wife, together with any of the following:

· For the Filipino National (proof of Philippine Citizenship) - submit copies of Resident Alien Card/Permanent Resident Card and/or Philippine Dual Citizenship (Birth Certificate/Report of Birth or Identification Certificate, Oath of Allegiance, and Order of Approval), copy of visa (if tourist, leisure or fiancée/fiancé visa holder), job contract or working permit (if working abroad at the time of marriage as OFW).

Additional Requirements:

For Reporting the Marriage One (1) Year or More After Its Occurrence

One (1) original and three (3) photocopies of Affidavit of Delayed Registration of Marriage, duly notarized:

1. If submitting by mail, the affidavit must be duly-notarized;

2. If submitting in person, the affidavit may be notarized by the Consulate General for an additional fee of US$25.00, or the applicant may bring an affidavit notarized elsewhere.

For Divorced, Annulled, or Legally Separated Filipino Spouse

1. If divorced/previous marriage is annulled by a foreign court, the foreign judgment must be recognized by the Philippine Court – present one (1) original and provide four (4) photocopies of the Annotated Marriage Certificate issued by the PSA.

2. If previous marriage is annulled in the Philippines –present one (1) original and provide four (4) photocopies of the final order issued by the Philippine Regional Trial Court (RTC) and one (1) original and four (4) photocopies of the Annotated Marriage Certificate (which indicates the details of the annulment) issued by the PSA.

3. If the divorced Filipino spouse has no record of marriage in PSA – submit photocopies of Divorce Decree/Certificate validated by the Regional Trial Court nearest the spouse’s place of residence in the Philippines.

For Widowed Filipino Spouse

One (1) original or certified true copy and four (4) photocopies of Marriage Certificate and Death Certificate issued by the PSA or foreign death certificate of the deceased spouse.

For Divorced, Annulled, or Legally Separated Foreign Spouse

One (1) original or certified true copy and four (4) photocopies of the foreign decree / decision of the foreign spouse. If the applicant got divorced, annulled, or legally separated not just once, please provide all the said legal document/s. For example, if the applicant got divorced twice, please provide two divorce paper document/s.

For Widowed Foreign Spouse

Four (4) photocopies of the Death Certificate of previous spouse.

Possible Additional Requirements

The Consular Officer reserves the right to require additional documents from an Applicant upon assessment of the application depending on the circumstances of the applicant’s birth, marriage, or death. Factors such as citizenship, previous civil status, and other details may affect the status of your application.

Examples of such documents may include Certificate of No Marriage Record (CENOMAR), Negative Certification of Marriage Record, or other documents which may be used to determine his/her citizenship, identity, or eligibility for registration of marriage under Philippine laws.

In this regard, it is important that you submit your contact details along with your application documents (mobile phone and email address) so that the Consulate General can reach you immediately.

B. Processing Fee

Processing Fee for the Report of Marriage is $25.00. Fees are non-refundable and should be made payable to the “Philippine Consulate General” in Money Order (if sent by mail), or CASH if applied in person.

C. Releasing of Original Report of Marriage

By Pick-up

After five (5) working days, submit the official receipt during pick-up.

In case you will not be available to pick up the document in person, a representative must submit the official receipt, an authorization letter with your signature, and valid IDs of both you and your representative.

By Mail:

Processed documents will be mailed back to the applicant after five (5) working days upon receipt of the application, provided that the applicant submits a Self-Stamped Return Envelope with appropriate stamps and tracking number (USPS Express or Priority Mail) or (2) Self-Addressed Prepaid Mailing Envelope from the courier of choice labeled with the recipient’s address.

Note: The Philippine Consulate General assumes no responsibility for any delay or loss in the mail, or while the documents are in the custody of the courier service. The applicant should note the tracking numbers of all envelopes used and submitted, and may track their envelopes at the website of their chosen courier.

D. Release of copies of the documents (birth, marriage and death) from the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)

It will take around eight (8) months to one (1) year from the date of filing of Report of Birth before the PSA can generate a copy of the requested document on security paper with a barcode. Once available, you are advised to request online for a hard copy of the report of Birth/Marriage/Death at

E. Queries and Contact Information

Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.